Extended Run Gas Cap Fuel Kit
Compatible with Honda Generators:Models EU1000i and EU2000i only.Will also fit:Generac: IX800/1600/2000All Power: APG3101/3102Dimensions: 22"L x 14"W x 10" H
Our line of Breeze Extended Run Generator Systems: It's simple; extended the run timeof a suitcase style generator or multiple suitcase style generators. Our productsconform to 90% of the suitcase style generators sold worldwide.Whether the use is for single line or dual line applications; we have the solution. Oursystem does not modify or destroy your current OEM cap. The Breeze Extended RunGenerator System uses a vacuum draw system; no need to elevate a gas can abovethe generator. Our patent pending product will extend the run time of the generator byup to 72 hours; thus allowing the end user to set it, start it, and forget it!.THE CAPThe patent pending CNC machined cap is engineered of 6061 aircraft quality aluminumand has an anodized protective coating that is color coded to specific generatormodels. Our products will never sacrifice quality or performance for margin or safety.THE TANK AND FUEL LINEEPA compliant? Of course! We only sell 2008 California compliant and new EPAcompliant fuel lines along with current existing EPA compliant tanks and fuel lines.THE CONNECTIONOur American and German engineered couplers will ensure that your fuel lineconnection will never be jeopardized. Whether it's daily or occasional uses incommercial and recreational landscapes, the fuel will seamlessly flow from theextended run generator system to the generator.
Compatible with: Honda EU1000i, EU2000i; Generac IX800, IX1600, IX2000; All Power APG3101, APG3102;