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Reese Hitch & Sway Control - 800LB Hitch & Dual Cam Sway Bar
Reese Hitch & Sway Control - 800LB Hitch & Dual Cam Sway Bar

Reese Hitch & Sway Control - 800LB Hitch & Dual Cam Sway Bar

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Your Price: $637.94
Part Number: 996673
Availability: Not for Sale
Feature: 16118041682
Feature: Reese
Feature: Vehicles & Parts > Vehicle Parts & Accessories > Motor Vehicle Exterior > Motor Vehicle Hitches
Feature: Hitch And Tow
Feature 5 9.49

Hitch and Sway Bars Combination

Dual Cam Sway Control

This Hitch and Sway Control combination from Reese make an unbeatable combination. The Reese straight line hitch comes in maximum hitch weights of 800lbs, 1200lbs and 1700lbs. The advantage of this system is its ability to prevent sway in addition to providing resistance against it. The system works to hold down the start of swaying activity while at the same time allowing free and easy vehicle and trailer interaction. Because the unit is installed on the trailer, the system does not require adjustment every time the tow vehicle and the trailer are hooked up. When towing in a straight line, the cams on either side of the trailer A-frame are locked in position providing a "rigid" connection between tow vehicle and trailer. This minimizes the effects of induced sway caused by high cross-winds or passing vehicles.

The dual cams usually ride in a locked position even on fairly sharp curves. However, when cornering maneuvers are required, the system automatically slide out of their locked position to permit full radius turns. When the maneuver is short and abrupt, such as encountered in sudden swerves, the cams seek a straight-line towing angle that helps the tow vehicle retain control.

NOTE: The Hitch Bar is not included and is sold separately. The part number is 99-1046.

The product numbers for the hitches alone and the combinations are shown below:

Hitch Only

Hitch & Dual Cam




Straight-Line 600 Ibs-GTW-6000 Ibs



Straight-Line 800 Ibs-GTW-10000 Ibs



Straight-Line 1200 Ibs-GTW-12000 Ibs



Straight-Line 1700 Ibs-GTW-14000 Ibs


Dual Cam Sway Control System
  • Bolts-On for Easy Installation
  • Fully Automatic and Self-Centering
  • Patented Cam Design
  • Attaches Directly to Round or Trunnion  Equalizer Bars
  • The dual cam high performance sway control system is our product #99-1427.

    Note: Product cannot be used with surge brakes and are to be used with Class III and Class IV hitches only. Bolt on.
    Manufactured by: Reese

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